Who We Are
About Us

Our Values

CCQ Tech Our ValuesCommunication

Our clients typically prefer a software partner as opposed to a supplier. Rarely do projects start with a well-defined specification of a rigid final product. As a result, successful software projects need to be flexible and rely heavily on the communication between all parties. CCQ champions regular communication taking many forms including mobile calls, Teams meetings, workshops, quarterly business reviews, and multi-party daily stand ups. Furthermore, if clients want to get hold of us our mobiles are always on.



Being responsive has been a cornerstone of CCQ’s for over 20 years. Business systems and software projects are often critical to efficient business operations. When something goes wrong it can impact reputation and client services. As such CCQ respond rapidly to queries, problems, and events and ensure we start working on solutions quickly.


ROI and Impact

The people we work with are often heavily invested in their ideas, systems, and digital strategies. It can be easy to ‘go down rabbit holes’ or build the most exciting new feature. However, during any engagement, CCQ helps focus on business objectives to prioritise work, challenge preconceptions and deliver meaningful impact.


Speed, Quality, Iteration 

We believe it is a skill to identify the most efficient route to meeting objectives. Experience enables us to avoid the pitfalls of overly complex roadmaps and focus on the low-hanging fruit. What is the simplest ‘piece’ of the project that can be built quickly to a high quality and delivered into the hands of users for rapid feedback and iteration.

Schedule a Free Consultation

We want to hear your questions, your ambitions and understand the requirements of technology to support the people within your organisation. Schedule a no commitment short introductory call.

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